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Shortcuts for WG21 content

14 Feb 2019 — Written by Matthias Kretz
Tagged as: C++, KDE, and WG21

Since at least KDE 2, the runner (krunner - per default on Alt-F2) supports configurable prefixes that resolve to a URL that is then opened like kioclient5 exec would open them. I created the following shortcuts:

  • wg21: Resolves to e.g. for easy retrieval of papers by paper number, issues, or links to the working draft at a given stable name.
  • wg21d: Searches through the C++ working draft.
  • wg21p: Searches through all committee papers.
  • wg21w: Searches through all wikis.
  • wg21i: Opens the working draft index at the given anchor.
  • @cwg: Searches through the CWG reflector archive.
  • @ewg: Searches through the EWG reflector archive.
  • @lwg: Searches through the LWG reflector archive.
  • @lewg: Searches through the LEWG reflector archive.
  • @sg1: Searches through the SG1 reflector archive.
  • cpp: Searches on

Save these files (tarball of all files) to ~/.local/share/kservices5/searchproviders/ to use them yourself. (A restart of krunner is needed it seems.)