Bob Steagall presented his high-speed UTF-8
conversion at CppCon and C++Now
where he showed that his approach outperformed most existing conversion
algorithms. For some extra speed, he implemented a function for converting
ASCII to char16_t
using SSE intrinsics. This latter part got me
hooked, because:
(my contribution to the Parallelism TS 2; note that I usenamespace stdx = std::experimental
, because the latter is just way too long.) was just sent off for publication by the C++ committee and should have made reliance on intrinsics unnecessary.- I had no prior experience with vectorizing string operations (which is one of the reasons my previous vector types library Vc didn’t have 8-bit integer support). I was curious, how hard can it be?
- Bob’s presentation made it look like one needs access to special instructions
to get good performance. - Scalability to different vector widths is unclear. The SSE intrinsics certainly won’t scale. But how much can performance actually scale, knowing that the larger the vector, the lower the chance the full vector of chars is only made up of ASCII?
- And what about newer ISA extensions such as SSE4.1 which adds instructions
for converting
unsigned char
? Will it help? - Most important to me, can the code be more readable and portable and at least as fast at the same time?
- And is there a chance for vectorization of non-ASCII code point conversions?
Step 1: Getting stdx::simd
OK, so first I needed to get my simd
implementation into shape. I’ve been
working on the implementation for a long time already, but I had not achieved a
state where I was confident to let others use it yet. But since the GCC 9.1.0
release, my implementation that’s targeting libstdc++ inclusion is good enough
for experimental use. It’s not
part of libstdc++ just yet, so you need to install it over GCC9’s libstdc++
(don’t worry, it doesn’t actually overwrite anything, it only adds the
- Install GCC 9.1 and make sure
points to itsg++
. - Install std-simd:
git clone cd std-simd ./
If you need
to install into the GCC9 prefix usesudo ./ --gxx=$CXX
At this point, GCC9 will have a conforming (modulo bugs) implementation of the
“data-parallel types” in the Parallelism TS 2. All you need to do in your code
is #include <experimental/simd>
and use the right machine compiler flags
(e.g. -march=skylake
) and of course C++17 (-std=c++17
Step 2: Getting utf_utils
I forked my repository from BobSteagall/utf_utils and applied a few cleanups:
- The cmake code enforced usage of the
binary in the$PATH
. That cost me more time to realize than it should have. Deleted. - The build-type flags were unusual: I just removed them in favor of general
warning and the
flags and passing-march
flags viaCXXFLAGS
. - Added a convenience Makefile for building and benchmarking easily from the toplevel source dir.
- Removed some dead code from
Step 3: Putting simd
and utf_utils together
I copied the SSE implementation and reimplemented it to use stdx::simd
The two original functions in utf_utils, reproduced below, that use SSE
intrinsics are UtfUtils::ConvertAsciiWithSse
overloaded for char32_t
output. Feel free to skip reading the sources. I’ll explain below.
void UtfUtils::ConvertAsciiWithSse(char8_t const*& pSrc, char32_t*& pDst) noexcept
__m128i chunk, half, qrtr, zero;
int32_t mask, incr;
zero = _mm_set1_epi8(0); //- Zero out the interleave register
chunk = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*) pSrc); //- Load a register with 8-bit bytes
mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(chunk); //- Determine which octets have high bit set
half = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chunk, zero); //- Unpack bytes 0-7 into 16-bit words
qrtr = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(half, zero); //- Unpack words 0-3 into 32-bit dwords
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) pDst, qrtr); //- Write to memory
qrtr = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(half, zero); //- Unpack words 4-7 into 32-bit dwords
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) (pDst + 4), qrtr); //- Write to memory
half = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(chunk, zero); //- Unpack bytes 8-15 into 16-bit words
qrtr = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(half, zero); //- Unpack words 8-11 into 32-bit dwords
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) (pDst + 8), qrtr); //- Write to memory
qrtr = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(half, zero); //- Unpack words 12-15 into 32-bit dwords
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) (pDst + 12), qrtr); //- Write to memory
//- If no bits were set in the mask, then all 16 code units were ASCII, and therefore
// both pointers are advanced by 16.
if (mask == 0)
pSrc += 16;
pDst += 16;
//- Otherwise, the number of trailing (low-order) zero bits in the mask indicates the number
// of ASCII code units starting from the lowest byte address.
incr = GetTrailingZeros(mask);
pSrc += incr;
pDst += incr;
void UtfUtils::ConvertAsciiWithSse(char8_t const*& pSrc, char16_t*& pDst) noexcept
__m128i chunk, half;
int32_t mask, incr;
chunk = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*) pSrc); //- Load the register with 8-bit bytes
mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(chunk); //- Determine which octets have high bit set
half = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(chunk, _mm_set1_epi8(0)); //- Unpack lower half into 16-bit words
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) pDst, half); //- Write to memory
half = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(chunk, _mm_set1_epi8(0)); //- Unpack upper half
into 16-bit words
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) (pDst + 8), half); //- Write to memory
//- If no bits were set in the mask, then all 16 code units were ASCII, and therefore
// both pointers are advanced by 16.
if (mask == 0)
pSrc += 16;
pDst += 16;
//- Otherwise, the number of trailing (low-order) zero bits in the mask indicates the number
// of ASCII code units starting from the lowest byte address.
incr = GetTrailingZeros(mask);
pSrc += incr;
pDst += incr;
The functions are rather long and are a bit scary on first sight. But the task
is actually quite simple. Both functions load 16 char
s from the input string
and convert all 16 values from 8-bit to 32/16-bit integers. The converted
values are all stored to the destination string. Finally, the source and
destination pointers are advanced by how many consecutive ASCII chars there
were in the source string (implicitly discarding the corresponding results from
the destination string, as they will get overwritten in the next steps of the
algorithm). In short:
- Read 16 characters from source.
- Convert all 16 characters to destination string type.
- Store 16 converted values.
- Count how many characters in the source (starting from index 0) are
< 0x80
(i.e. ASCII). - Advance source and destination pointers accordingly.
This task can be expressed much clearer in the stdx::simd
using char8v = stdx::native_simd<UtfUtils::char8_t>;
template <class T>
void UtfUtils::ConvertAsciiWithSimd(char8_t const*& pSrc, T*& pDst) noexcept
const char8v chunk(pSrc, stdx::element_aligned); // (1')
chunk.copy_to(pDst, stdx::element_aligned); // (2')+(3')
if (none_of(chunk > 0x7f)) { // (4a)
pSrc += chunk.size(); // (5)
pDst += chunk.size(); // (5)
} else {
const int n_valid = find_first_set(chunk > 0x7f); // (4b)
pSrc += n_valid; // (5)
pDst += n_valid; // (5)
In the stdx::simd
implementation it was trivial to generalize the code on the
type of the destination string, since the converting store (copy_to
automatically does the right thing, depending on the type of pDst
. I believe
the code is readable as is, and especially with the pointers to the steps in
the algorithm, this is self-explanatory. There is one important difference,
though: std::native_simd<unsigned char>
will not necessarily contain 16
bytes. It can also contain less (e.g. 64-bit NEON) or more (e.g. 256-bit AVX2).
Since stdx::simd
is portable by definition, we just created an implementation
that’s readable and portable. So what about the performance. (and performance
Results, Take 1
I copied the remainder of the conversion algorithm, so that the only difference
is the ConvertAsciiWithSse
function. Using the benchmarks in the utf_utils
repository, I got the following results on an Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3.40GHz (for
all benchmarks, I disabled turbo mode, used the performance governor, and ran
the benchmark binary in chrt -f 50
This is looking very promising for a straightforward implementation.
Everything that’s mostly ASCII is consistently faster. But all the other cases
are slightly slower. Let’s dive a little deeper.
Regarding the carefully chosen pmovmskb
instruction Bob mentioned, here’s
what we can find in the -march=core2
0000000000404380 <uu::UtfUtils::SseBigTableConvert(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char32_t*)>:
movdqu xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [rdi]
pmovmskb eax,xmm0
movdqa xmm1,xmm0
punpckhbw xmm0,xmm3
punpcklbw xmm1,xmm3
test eax,eax
movdqa xmm4,xmm1
punpckhwd xmm1,xmm2
movups XMMWORD PTR [r9+0x10],xmm1
movdqa xmm1,xmm0
punpcklwd xmm4,xmm2
punpckhwd xmm0,xmm2
punpcklwd xmm1,xmm2
movups XMMWORD PTR [r9],xmm4
movups XMMWORD PTR [r9+0x20],xmm1
movups XMMWORD PTR [r9+0x30],xmm0
je .fullvec
bsf eax,eax
lea r9,[r9+rax*4]
add rdi,rax
0000000000405800 <long uu::UtfUtils::SimdBigTableConvert<char32_t>(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char32_t*)>:
movdqu xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [rdi]
movdqa xmm2,xmm0
movdqa xmm1,xmm0
pmovmskb ecx,xmm0
punpcklbw xmm2,xmm4
punpckhbw xmm1,xmm4
movdqa xmm6,xmm2
movdqa xmm5,xmm1
punpcklwd xmm6,xmm3
punpckhwd xmm2,xmm3
punpcklwd xmm5,xmm3
punpckhwd xmm1,xmm3
and ecx,0xffff
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax],xmm6
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x10],xmm2
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x20],xmm5
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x30],xmm1
jne .partial
add rdi,0x10
add rax,0x40
jmp .loop
movsxd rcx,ecx
bsf rcx,rcx
movsxd rcx,ecx
lea rax,[rax+rcx*4]
add rdi,rcx
jmp .loop
Note that SseBigTableConvert
pmovmskb eax,xmm0
test eax,eax
je ...
and SimdBigTableConvert
pmovmskb ecx,xmm0
and ecx,0xffff
jne ...
to determine whether all entries in the vector are ASCII. I.e. GCC 9 is able to
elide the comparison (chunk > 0x7f
), and work with the same efficiency.
Conversion instruction sequence
On the other hand, the instruction sequence for the char8_t
-> char32_t
conversion is obviously longer, so I tried how much difference it would make if
I add a special case into the stdx::simd
conversion functions to handle this
case better. This required an extra constexpr-if case to the internal
function and improved the simd
based implementation
That’s a visible improvement. Obviously conversions have a bit more room for optimization in the std-simd implementation.
SSE4.1 and PTEST
Note, that with -march=(westmere|skylake)
, both conversion and branching are
done differently because SSE4.1 includes the
pmovzxb[wd] and
ptest instructions.
Consequently, the pmovmskb
optimization does not trigger. Instead an
optimization folding the comparison with ptest
should be done, but that
issue is still open. Thus, the -march=westmere
binary contains the following instruction sequence for ConvertAsciiWithSimd
0000000000405680 <long uu::UtfUtils::SimdBigTableConvert<char32_t>(unsigned char const*, unsigned char const*, char32_t*)>:
movdqu xmm0,XMMWORD PTR [rdi]
movdqa xmm7,xmm6
pcmpgtb xmm7,xmm0
movdqa xmm3,xmm0
movdqa xmm2,xmm0
movdqa xmm1,xmm0
psrldq xmm3,0x4
pmovzxbd xmm4,xmm0
psrldq xmm2,0x8
pmovzxbd xmm3,xmm3
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax],xmm4
ptest xmm7,xmm5
pmovzxbd xmm2,xmm2
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x10],xmm3
psrldq xmm1,0xc
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x20],xmm2
pmovzxbd xmm1,xmm1
movups XMMWORD PTR [rax+0x30],xmm1
jne .partial
add rdi,0x10
add rax,0x40
jmp .loop
pmovmskb ecx,xmm7
movzx ecx,cx
bsf rcx,rcx
movsxd rcx,ecx
lea rax,[rax+rcx*4]
add rdi,rcx
jmp .loop
The instruction sequence that tests for all ASCII is (xmm5
is initialized to
all bits 1):
pcmpgtb xmm7,xmm0
ptest xmm7,xmm5
jne .partial
It’s not obvious from the latency numbers on
InstLatx64 whether this is less
efficient as the instruction sequence with pmovmskb
. In any case, it could be
more efficient once PR90483 is resolved (xmm5
would now be initialized to a vector with each byte set to 0x80
ptest xmm0,xmm5
jne .partial
Using either inline assembly magic or the _mm256_testz_si256
intrinsic, it’s
possible to test how we could perform once
PR90483 were resolved:
template <class T>
void UtfUtils::ConvertAsciiWithSimd(char8_t const*& pSrc, T*& pDst) noexcept
const char8v chunk(pSrc, stdx::element_aligned);
constexpr char8v signbit = 0x80;
asm ("vptest %1,%0" :: "x"(chunk), "x"(signbit) : "cc"); // note how you can
// use simd<T> objects directly in inline asm
chunk.copy_to(pDst, stdx::element_aligned);
asm goto("jne %l0" :::: partial);
pSrc += chunk.size();
pDst += chunk.size();
const int n_valid = find_first_set(chunk > 0x7f);
pSrc += n_valid;
pDst += n_valid;
// OK, inline asm is frightening. Here's the intrinsics variant:
template <class T>
void UtfUtils::ConvertAsciiWithSimd(char8_t const*& pSrc, T*& pDst) noexcept
const char8v chunk(pSrc, stdx::element_aligned);
chunk.copy_to(pDst, stdx::element_aligned);
constexpr char8v signbit = 0x80;
if (_mm256_testz_si256(__m256i(signbit), __m256i(chunk))) {
pSrc += chunk.size();
pDst += chunk.size();
} else {
const int n_valid = find_first_set(chunk > 0x7f);
pSrc += n_valid;
pDst += n_valid;
With the inline assembly hack, we see how performance improves slightly
(kewb-vir-simd-ptest). Note that the -fastcvt change from above doesn’t
apply here because -march=skylake
uses pmovzxbd
for the conversion.
The takeaway from this exercise is:
You’re not painted into a corner when using
. You can cast to
intrinsic or builtin vector types and thus also make use of intrinsics,
compiler builtins, or inline assembly if you have a pressing performance
What’s up with stress_test_2.txt?
You probably noticed that stress_test_2.txt shows the longest times. This
file contains text of the nasty kind: “涁 騑 枢 狾 鱄 尟 […]”, i.e. a
multibyte code point followed by a space - lots of them. It’s obvious that the
vectorized ASCII decoder is not doing us a favor for this kind of input.
Whenever it sees a space, it decodes 16 or 32 bytes. However, only the first
one is good for use. All the extra work is wasted. A simple branch before the
SIMD code might help:
if (char8v::size() > 1 && pSrc[1] > 0x7f) {
*pDst++ = *pSrc++;
} else {
const char8v chunk(pSrc, stdx::element_aligned);
chunk.copy_to(pDst, stdx::element_aligned);
// ...
So let’s try it:
It’s a huge improvement for stress_test_2.txt and a slight improvement for a few other files, while also a making russian_wiki.txt noticeably slower. The obvious explanation is that we get many branch mispredictions on the new branch because of either just a single space or punctuation + space or HTML between Cyrillic words.
Conversion instructions
The pmovzxbd
instruction of SSE4 is the other important difference to the
variant. However, after all my benchmarking and checking resulting
instruction sequences, I conclude that the newer SSE4 instruction does neither
improve nor degrade the performance. With AVX2 pmovzxbd
is the only variant I
implemented, because it can then convert to 8 char32_t
easily. The unpack
sequence, on the other hand, is no fun to implement and test, because the AVX2
unpack instructions act per 128-bit part of the vector register and thus
require some clever shuffling to not mess up the order of characters in the
string. Those shuffles surely aren’t going to make it faster. (in short: I am
convinced pmovzxbd
is more efficient with AVX2.)
Conclusions and more ideas
is quite ready for taking it for a test drive and learning how to best vectorize your applications. You can certainly do serious work with it, but at this point, of course, you don’t have full portability and no 100% guarantee for adoption into the actual C++ standard. Regarding real-world usage, here’s an example of a much earlier implementation ofstdx::simd
that was used for a large distributed application running on a Xeon Phi cluster. -
I need to push on getting
into libstdc++, to make it easier for you! -
UTF-8 conversion of non-ASCII characters is possible. I tried it and it can improve the conversion efficiency even more (though not much). But this post is too long already. I hope to find time to write a follow up. Let me know if there’s interest.
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