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The story of regularity and std::simd

16 Nov 2023 — Written by Matthias Kretz
Tagged as: C++, concepts, regularity, SIMD, and std::simd

In this post I will talk about regularity and why std::regular<std::simd<int>> needs to be false in order to preserve regularity at the level where it matters: equational reasoning. The issue of regularity came up repeatedly when discussing the design of std::simd for C++26. (It also came up in 2017 for std::experimental::simd.) My goal for this post is the exploration of options and their consequences. There’s a lot more to be said, but this post is already too long. In any case, when talking about regularity, we need start with “Elements of Programming”, the book that introduced the concept:

A type is regular if and only if its basis includes equality, assignment, destructor, default constructor, copy constructor, total ordering, and underlying type. […]

Algorithms are abstract when they can be used with different models satisfying the same requirements, such as associativity. Code optimization depends on equational reasoning; unless types are known to be regular, few optimizations can be performed.

Alexander Stepanov, Paul McJones — Elements of Programming (EoP)

In other words we’re looking at operations and their semantics on types. For example two objects a and b of type int can be compared (a == b), assigned (a = b), destructed (trivial), default constructed (int a{};), copy constructed int a{b} and there exists a total order defined by a < b (the latter is not included in std::regular). These are pretty basic guarantees, which we take for granted for builtin types of the language. The standard library also includes non-regular types, like std::any or std::unique_ptr<T>. But that’s fine, because these types are “tools” and not meant to be used in equations…

std::simd is meant to be used in equations

This is where the confusion about simd<int> begins. simd<int> is certainly meant to be used in equations. Why doesn’t that imply std::regular<simd<int>> must be true? Short answer: because the equations apply to the int not the simd<int>.

Let me elaborate. Stepanov and McJones define e.g. associativity as op(op(a, b), c) = op(a, op(b, c)). Without the ability to test for equality, associativity cannot even be defined / tested. Nevertheless, intuitively (i.e. without considering any definitions — using our intuition from what we learned in school) everybody would likely identify simd<int> as associative. Why is that? Because we recognize that (a + b) + c yields the same result as a + (b + c). Hmm “same result”… How can I say that without regularity?

When writing an equation using simd<int> types, the mathematically important equation is the one expressed per element. The simd<int> object as a whole does not identify a single entity¹; a simd type is not a value type².

The simd abstraction is a tool for expressing the same equation on multiple int values in parallel. It’s a tool for manipulating multiple entities — a tool for applying operators/operations on multiple entities in parallel. Therefore, equational reasoning must work on the level of ints. Thus, in order to prove associativity of a single SIMD lane of ints, equality must be testable on a per-element basis. This is exactly what the status quo simd paper does. It therefore implements regularity for the value type. The alternative implies that the comparison result of a different SIMD lane (unrelated element) influences the result of other elements.

What if std::regular<std::simd<T>> were true?

To answer this question, consider the basic code transformation underlying the std::simd design. For this purpose let’s look at an example that involves the inequality operator in an equation. (The need for </<=/>=/> in the implementation of equations is a lot more common. However, since std::regular requires only equality I wanted to keep the example on point with using !=.) In the example we will consider a simple character transformation function for scrambling/unscrambling text.

The design intent of std::simd is to replace e.g. a loop over 16 chars with one simd<char, 16> chunk:

    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {  // 16 times do:
      char x = text[i];             //   load 1 character
      x = unscramble(x);            //   unscramble 1 character
      text[i] = x;                  //   store 1 character


    std::simd<char, 16> x(text.begin()); // load 16 characters
    x = unscramble(x);                   // unscramble 16 characters
    x.copy_to(text.begin());             // store 16 characters

where unscramble could be:

auto unscramble(auto x) {
  // always flip bit 0b0010;
  // flip bit 0b0001 if x has bit 0b1000 or 0b0100 set (the bool result from
  // the comparison implicitly converts to an integer with value 0 or 1)
  return x ^ (2 | ((x & 0b1100) != 0));

Let’s now embed either the loop or the simd<char, 16> solution into a simple main function:

int main() {
    std::string text = "pfdvocp\"fmwjwjfq\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
      char x = text[i];
      x = unscramble(x);
      text[i] = x;
    std::simd<char, 16> x(text.begin());
    x = unscramble(x);
    std::cout << text;
  • With USE_LOOP=1 the program prints “regular entities”.

  • With USE_LOOP=0:

    • If simd::operator== returns bool (i.e. true only if all elements are equal; and != is true if any element compares not equal), then the second program prints “segul`s!entitier”.

    • However, if operator== is not reduced to a single bool, returning a simd_mask, then the second program prints “regular entities” (status quo of the current “merge simd from the TS” paper).

Making simd<char> itself regular breaks equational reasoning on the level of the simd elements (i.e. breaking regularity of char). Making simd<char> regular at the level of the simd<char> elements enables generic code, composition, equational reasoning, and thus allows applying equational optimizations developed for the element type.

Proposed alternative: no comparison operators for simd

If simd::operator== returning bool is such a foot-gun in terms of silently introducing logic errors into the code, and at the same time some people believe operator== returning anything other than bool is unacceptable, then why not aim for a compromise and replace all comparison operators with free functions instead? For example, instead of a == b write std::simd_equal(a, b)?

While, technically, this seems like a workable compromise, it still breaks regularity of the value types contained in the simd. Consequently, according to the definition of associativity, std::simd<int> would not be associative anymore: there is no equality operator to establish equality of the LHS and RHS.

This breaks generic code. Such a compromise would go against the basic design principle of simd that, as much as the language allows, vectorization of an algorithms should only require a change of type from T to simd<T>. Now, generic code — i.e. also code that doesn’t use simd — needs to be written with std::simd_equal in place of ==. The next logical step would then replace simd_mask::operator&& with std::simd_logic_and. And the generic overload for bool arguments would then have to break short-circuiting.

The topic of generic code and comparisons needs another post of its own. This post tries to motivate regularity of the simd value types. The consequences in terms of concepts and language improvements will have to wait.

It has also been stated that simd should not overload any operators at all, because == isn’t regular (or because simd itself isn’t a value type). It’s probably a solution in the sense that std::simd adoption would simply not happen in non-expert settings and thus not ever confuse anybody. 😉 Personally, I don’t see myself asking scientists to write even less readable code when they implement any non-trivial math.


We have to choose one of the following:

  1. std::regular<std::simd<T>>: Making simd itself regular silently breaks generic code, because equational reasoning on the level of the simd::value_type is broken.

  2. No operator== overloads at all: Not implementing any comparison operators makes generic code dependent on a different syntax for equational reasoning.

  3. Regularity of the simd elements: Keeping regularity of simd::value_type intact breaks the use cases where users want to use simd as a product type (where simd itself is a value type). However, it allows using simd as a tool for expressing parallel evaluation of equations that can be reasoned about on the simd::value_type level using the concepts introduced in “Elements of Programming”.

In most cases, using std::simd as a product type is wrong in the sense that it doesn’t help with expressing data-parallelism for higher performance. The use of std::simd as a product type typically trades the use of SIMD instructions for instruction level parallelism (ILP), resulting in a slowdown rather than performance improvement. Therefore, the std::simd API tries to discourage such uses. Consequently, std::regular<std::simd<T>> must be false.



An abstract entity is an individual thing that is eternal and unchangeable, while a concrete entity is an individual thing that comes into and out of existence in space and time. […] Blue and 13 are examples of abstract entities. Socrates and the United States of America are examples of concrete entities. […]

An abstract species describes common properties of essentially equivalent abstract entities. Examples of abstract species are natural number and color. A concrete species describes the set of attributes of essentially equivalent concrete entities. Examples of concrete species are man and U.S. state.

Alexander Stepanov, Paul McJones — Elements of Programming (EoP)


A datum is a finite sequence of 0s and 1s. A value type is a correspondence between a species (abstract or concrete) and a set of datums.

Alexander Stepanov, Paul McJones — Elements of Programming (EoP)